Outside the Bookhouse

Other places where you can find Twin Peaks fic.

In no particular order...


Dyad 5 contains "Teddy Bears' Picnic" by "Diane" which is Cooper/Truman, and three Twin Peaks poems.

Dyad 6 contains "The Dream Catcher" by Natasha Solten, which is Cooper/Hill

Indigo Boys 2 contains "Yet Something is Different" by L. Gray (Merricat) which is Cooper/Truman.

Dreams Unwind, a Twin Peaks novel, is available from Merricat

Homosapien Trois contains "Dale's Dance" by Stew, which is Cooper/Truman, Cooper/Rosenfield

Playfellows contains "The Present" by Charlotte Frost, which is a Cooper/Truman preslash

Cohorts 5 contains "Last Call at the Great Northern" by Rrain Prior, which is Cooper/Bryson

other zines with Twin Peaks stories: Concupiscence 2, Cross Currents, Dyad 7, Dyad 12, Pillow Talk, Wild Cards 3, Wild Cards 4


Somewhere out there are:
Leigh-Anne Child, Morning Marathon 5 (X-Files Crossover, Cooper/Mulder)
Patrick Glover, Unbidden Fantasty (X-Files Crossover, Cooper/Mulder)

Our own Dorothy Marley has a Due South/Twin Peaks xover story called Cold Heart, available at her page (which is in our links section)

The Man Behind The Glass by Amatia is a Cooper/Spender TP/XF xover.

Twin Peax Part One Part Two by Jessica is a Scully/Audrey XF/TP xover.