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| Title Author Rating Summary Pairing
| Pull Tiriel PG, m/m, archived 2/21/00 Prologue to the Fall Series. Dale thinks about an action and a realization. (Cooper/Truman)
| Approach Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 8/29/99 First in the Fall Series. Harry Truman does some thinking. Then he stops thinking altogether. (Cooper/Truman)
| Approach II Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 9/4/99 Second in the Fall Series. Harry Truman's involvement with Dale Cooper continues. (Cooper/Truman)
| Retreat Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 9/5/99 Third in the Fall Series. Things between Harry and Dale get complicated. (Cooper/Truman)
| Together Tiriel PG-13, m/m, archived 9/8/99 Fourth in the Fall Series. Harry and Dale finally talk. (Cooper/Truman)
| Enough Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 9/10/99 Fifth in the Fall Series. Bad stuff happens, and change is in the air. (Cooper/Truman)
| Awareness Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 9/14/99 Sixth in the Fall Series. Josie returns. Angst ensues. (Cooper/Truman)
| Complicated Tiriel PG-13, m/m, archived 9/16/99 Seventh in the Fall Series. Mega-angst. Josie, Annie. 'Nuff said. (Cooper/Truman)
| Circle Tiriel R, m/m, archived 9/18/99 Eighth (and Final) in the Fall Series. Dale comes back, but he's not himself. Harry wants to help. (Cooper/Truman)
| Fall Tiriel PG-13, m/m, archived 9/25/99 Epilogue to the Fall Series. Dale wants the last word. (Cooper/Truman)
| Bedtime Story Tiriel NC-17, m/m, archived 7/4/00 Fall Universe, present day. Coop and Harry share a bedtime story. (Cooper/Truman)
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